Thursday, November 27, 2014

Hmailam Kekarnak Hrang Tihphannak Ziangtin Kan Neh Thei Ding?

Text: Mark 4:35-43; Job 1:21


Lei tlun ah zumtu tampi harsatnak, natnak, le thihnak tiang kan tuar ve. Hivek lai caan ah hmailam ah anih tel lo in ziangtin kan feh ding ti in kan thin a phang, kan lung a leeng theu. Cumi minung daan a si ko. Asinan, zum lo tuk bang tuk ih kan thinphang le lungleeng in kan um lonak ding Bible in ziangtin sunralnak thu thawn in sim timi lo ruah ka duh.

1.     Pathian ih faale pawl harsatnak tong lo ding in Pathian in thu in kam lo (Mark 4: 37)

Minung tampi in Pathian ih thu kan ngai lo tik ah, harsatnak kan tong tiah kan ti theu. Jonah tla Pathian thu a ngai lo tikah, Pathian in thlitu le tilik a hran ter ih netabik ah ngapi pum sungah a thleng ter tiah kan ti. Asinan, Mark 4:35t sung ih thuanthu vek a si ahcun, Jesuh in tipi ral khat lam ah kan feh pei tiah thu a pekmi an ngai ruangah an feh. Asinan, ti suar le tilet an tong thotho.
Pathian tihzah zettu Josseph thawng a tla, Job khal a neihmi a hlo theh; Paul khal harnak le hremnak tangmpi a tong. Jesuh ih dungthluntu pawl khal thah an tong theh.

2.     Jesuh in a fa le pawl hnen ih thu in kammi cu
a.     Ka lo umpi ding (Matt. 28:20).
b.     Tuar theinak le luatnak lamzin ka lo pe ding (1 Kor 10:12)
c.     Kan hrangah ziangkim a thabik in rem in ruahsaktu a si (Rom 8:29).
                                               i.     Mark 4:38 – Jesuh in feh uh ti ih a fial tikah, anmah lawng a feh ter men lo ih, an lawng sungah a um pi ringring. Hnangam tein a it that men. Jesuh thu in kammi kan zum lo tikah, kanmaih thazaang kan rinsan awk tikah, hmailam feh ding hi tihnak thawn kan khat theu. Rinnak tel lo cun tihnak thawn kan thinlung a khat ding.
d.     Kan thlacam in ngai ringring (Jer. 33:3). Jesuh an kawh ih an thang tikah an kawhnak aw a theih sak ih a tho ti khal ka thei. Cuvek in, kan buai lai caan ah Jesuh kan kawh ahcun, kan au aw Pathian in in theihsak ringring a si.
e.     Kan kiangkap thleng theitu cu Amah a si (Matt. 28:18). Jesuh in thu a pek tikah, ti suar le thlitu khal in a thu an ngai. Jesuh Khrih kan biakmi cun kan kiangkap thil cangmi hi a thleng thei a si. Amaih thusung sawn ah kan nunnak kan ciah aw sawn ding ih, a dang cu Amah in a thleng sawn ding. Na kiangkap thleng tum hlah, cucu, Jesuh ih hnatuan a si. Nang le kei ih tuanvo cu Jesuh thawn nai zet ih um le a thu vek ih nun lawng khi kan tuanvo a si.

3.     Ziangkim hi Pathian ih hnen in an ra ih, a tu ah Pathian a laksal timi ruahnak kan nei pei uh.
a.     Job 1:21 - “Lawngfangkheh in ka suak ih lawngfangkheh in ka thi ding. Bawipa in i pek ih atu-ah a lak sal. A hmin thanghat si ko seh,” tiah a ti.
b.     Job khal Satan in a neihnak le telefa pawl um hlah sehla Pathian ih a duhdawt lo ding ti in a ruat. Asinan, zumtu pacang tha Job cun, a tlaksiat zet lai caan khal ah a timi cu, “Ka neihmi pawl hmuahhmuah cu Pathian hnen in an ra ih, a tu ah Pathian in a lak sal, Pathian cu ka thangthat” a ti thotho.

Rev. San No Thuan
Nov. 21, 2014

Pu Sui Luai teih inn, Frederick, Maryland ah Pho Kyaw Pa (Pu Ngun Thawng) a thih lai ih ka simmi thu a sim. 


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Laizo Tlangkulh Pawlkom, North America hnenih Ka Thucah[1]

A tanglam ih thupawl hi Laizo Tlaangkulh Pawlkom, North America (LTPNA) hnen ih ka thusimmi a si.   

1.     Pathian hrangah ziang a thupi bik?
a.     Amah duhdawt le a thuthlun a thupi bik (Dan 8:3)
b.     Atu ah a thuthlun aw. Hmailam thluasuah ka don tikah Pathian thu ka thlun ding tivek lungput lungput nei tum hlah.
2.     Pitlingmi lungput?
a.     Khrih thawn a bang awmi lungput neih khi a si (Rom 8:29)
                                               i.     Tangdornak (Fili 2:5t)
                                             ii.     Midang bawmtu (Mark 10:45); Ciite bang in (Matt 5:13)
                                            iii.     Pathian duh lomi nun kha kham ngamtu (Matt 21:12t)
                                            iv.     Zumtu cu a nunnak ah zum lo tu hnak in damlamnak a nei ding. Culawng si lo in, amaih nunnak ah damlamnak a neih ih tlun ah, a umnak khal danglamnak a thlen ter hrimhrim ding.
3.     Mai miphun duhdawt hi a sual maw?
a.     Moses – ka minung pawl ih sualnak na ngaithiam lo ahcun vancungih ka hmin nganmi khal i phiat sak aw (Suah 32:32)
b.     Nehemiah – A miphun a duhdawt tuk ruangah, Syria siangpahrang sabitti petu bawi dinhmun in an ram ah a kir ih Jerusalem hau hruang pawl dintu le khua din saltu a si (Neh. 2:18).
c.     Jesuh Khrih amah hrimhrim khal Judah puan a sin, Judah puai ah a feh (Cana). Curuangah, Laizo puante sin le kan pupa hla le pupa pawl ih tuahmi puai pawl khi Pathian thangthatnak ah kan hman ahcun zumtu ih hrangah tel thianglo le hman thiang lo ti a um lo.
d.     Curuangah, mai miphun duhdawt khi a sualnak a um lo. Asinan, na miphun na duhdawt ruangah, midang miphun kha va hua pang hlah.
4.     Laizo mi hi Laizo tong neitu kan si.
a.     1945 ah mirang pawl in Laizo tong hi Lai tlaang ah zir ding thabik tiah an rak timi a si.
b.     Curuangah, Laizo timi hi Lai le Zo an kommi a si tiah an ti ciamcomi hi thuphan thu, khui thuanthu khal ih prove thei lomi a si. Mirang san lai ah, zohman in Lai le Zo ca an kom ciamco hnu ah ca an suahmi pakhat hman hmuh ding a um lo.
c.     Curuangah, Laizo tong ih uar aw, tong aw. Na fa le khal inn lam ah tong ter aw. Midang khal thiam ding in zirh tum sawn aw.

[1] San No Thuan
Indianapolis ih ka thusimmi a si

Be Thankful In Tough Times

Turkey“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4 NLT)
When the Apostle Paul says, “Always be full of joy in the Lord,” he doesn’t say to only be joyful in good times. Even when times are tough, the Bible teaches we can be joyful if we follow this simple strategy:
Don’t worry about anything.Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing without doing. There are no such things as born-worriers. Worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That’s good news: The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned.
How do you unlearn it? Jesus says in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (NIV). He’s saying don’t open your umbrella until it starts raining. Live one day at a time.
Pray about everything. Instead of worrying, use your time for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you’d have a lot less to worry about. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He’s interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.
Thank God in all things. When you pray, pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities. It makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied. It’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.
Think about the right things. If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must change the way you think, because the way you think determines how you feel. And the way you feel determines how you act. The Bible teaches that, if you want to change your life, you need to change what you’re thinking about.
This involves a deliberate, conscious choice where you choose to think about the right things. We need tochoose to think on the positive and on God’s Word.
What is the result of not worrying, praying about everything, giving thanks, and focusing on the right things?  Paul says we will then “experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 NLT).
  • What do you worry about? Talk to God about your worries and honestly tell him why you worry.
  • If you prayed as much as you worried, how do you think your life would change?
  • God says he has your best interest at heart. Thank him in all things, even if you cannot understand what God is up to in your life.
  • What do you think about most? What do you think God wants you to think about?
  • Are these two things in alignment? If not, then why?