December 2014: A Word from Dr. Stanley
There’s nothing like the happy (and sometimes chaotic) disorder of Christmas morning. Children hurriedly tear wrapping paper off the packages to find they got exactly what they wanted. But the real joy comes from exploring and using the things they’ve been given. How unusual it would be if a child decided to keep a present without unwrapping it. Yet that’s how many Christians treat the priceless gift of salvation. They accept it but never bother to explore all the riches available to them as children of God.
Eternal life is the most precious possession anyone can receive. Because of His great love, the heavenly Father offers this gift to everyone who will accept it through faith in His Son. Unlike all the earthly presents we accumulate and eventually discard, this one lasts forever. So let’s unwrap it and see what’s inside.
First of all, God gave what was most precious to Him: His beloved Son. Jesus came to earth in human flesh while remaining fully divine. On that first Christmas, the angels announced that a Savior had been born (Luke 2:11). To rescue us from eternal separation from God, He came to live a perfect life and die on the cross in our place. Now all who place their trust in Jesus receive mercy instead of punishment.

But there’s more to this amazing gift. One of the benefits of salvation is a personal relationship with God. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are accepted and have instant access to the Father. We are now free to “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). Even when we falter, our fellowship can be restored if we confess our sins (1 John 1:9).
Perhaps the most incredible aspect of our salvation is the Holy Spirit, who lives within each believer. He reminds us of Christ’s teachings and enables us to accomplish His will (John 14:16-17, 26). The Spirit guarantees the promise that we will one day be with the Lord forever.
I’d like to encourage you to explore your gift of salvation this Christmas season and throughout the coming year. As you discover the riches of this treasure, may your heart overflow with praise and gratitude for all that God has provided.
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