Friday, April 8, 2011

Anger Management

To control your anger:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Don’t attack the person, but the problem.
  3. Remind yourself that getting anger will not solve the problem. Focus on problem solving for the future than the problem in the past.
  4. Never use “never” and “always” to negative things.
  5. Don’t expect others not to come on your way while your are traveling. Don’t always think that things ought to go your way.
  6. Don’t be selfish, but have a consideration for others.
  7. Pay good attention to others by closing your mouth first.
  8. Talk slow, talk low, but remain short.
  9. Remember that the purpose of your life is to reflect Jesus. Will Jesus act like this?
  10. If your child’s messy room makes you furious, then, just close that door to make yourself calm.
  11. Try to find things that you can agree with more than you cannot.
  12. Don’t give command to others but always request them.
  13. Don’t think yourself that you know everything. Let other reveal their opinions.
  14. Don’t think that all the world is against you. You just arrive at its difficult spot.
  15. The underlying message of highly angry people, Dr. Deffenbacher says, is "things oughta go my way!" Angry people tend to feel that they are morally right, that any blocking or changing of their plans is an unbearable indignity and that they should NOT have to suffer this way. Maybe other people do, but not them!
  16. Focus not on "who is right?" but on "what is right?" 


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