Monday, November 10, 2008

For Everything, There Is A Season

 1Pet. 1:1 ¶ Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, ¶ To the exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
1Pet. 1:2 who have been chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ and to be sprinkled with his blood: ¶ May grace and peace be yours in abundance.
1. Suffering and death gives us wisdom
There was a woman who said, “Having to face the fact that my husband was dying made us value our love for each other with an intensity and intimacy we had not known before. Every day became a gift to experience together. No longer did we take life or our relationship for granted.”
Psa. 90:12          So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.
2. For everything, there is a season
For everything, there is a season. Everything is subject to change. There is winter, spring, autumn, and summer in US. We cannot have winter all the times and summer as well.  When we attach so much to these impermanent worldly things, we suffer when they are about to change. We are so thankful for our mother who has lived through out so many seasons of life. As we have been living together with our parents here in this world, it is very painful to depart each other.
Eccl. 3:1,2  ¶ For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die . . ..
 3. Physical death is the beginning of eternal life
John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live . . .." 
Dr. Steven Hre Kio, the ex-chief consultant of UBS, says that when his mother died, he was mad at God. Thus, he stopped going to church. One day, at the middle of the night, all his room was brighten by a certain light and the voice said to him, “Your mother is not dead but is alive more than before.” From that day, he was committed to serve God in the ministry.
Why does this physical death is the beginning of eternal life? It is because: (1Pet 1:2)
1.     God has chosen, based not on merit, quality, and smartness, but solely based on His grace and love.
2.     Your sins are forgiven because of Christ’s merit done for you till the end of his life on the cross.
3.     The sanctification of the Holy Spirit is constant and going on.
If you believe in God’s love and forgiveness on your sins, a new life begins in you that will lead you to the power to overcome death. Death will be a happy birthday for you.
Though we say goodbye to her here in this world, in heaven, they will say good morning to her.
1.     Suffering and bereavement bring us wisdom to be humble, to love, to share, and not to take God’s blessings of good health for granted. Every second is a new gift to us.
2.     Nothing is permanent. For everything, there is a season. Don’t be attached yourself too much on the impermanent things but find peace in the Words of God.
3.     Physical death is the beginning (birthday) of eternal life. Why? Because:
a.     God has chosen you to be his own child based on His grace and love.
b.     God reveals himself in Christ and proclaims his forgiveness to us        because of his love and grace but not on our merits. 
c.     The Holy Spirit is with you and guide you till you come your heavenly home.
Therefore, if you believe this good news, this physical death for believers cannot be a hopeless end. Knowing that death as the beginning of the eternal life will give you a new hope and peace of mind.

Remark: This is the message that I have preached at the condolence service for the loss of the beloved mother of Ko Richard, and Naw Teresa at U Michael's house in America on 11/8/2008.

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