Saturday, April 5, 2014

How to Overcome Our Disappointment?

People are disappointed when they cannot do what they really want to do. When one is disappointed, one usually hates both him/herself and others. Then, one is usually filled with fear or discouragement to exist for the future. Have you ever had that feeling? If so, I have one remedy. Before you do anything else to settle your disappointment and fears, kneel down and pray to God. Build a proper relationship with Him first. You may need to ask God's forgiveness or you may need to count his blessings in your life. Do whatever it take to build peace with God. Actually, there are not many problems but a problem that is a broken relationship with God. The more you run away from God's direction, the more problems you face as you are traveling without a proper GPS. 

GPS tells us recalculation when we do not obey its command. As soon as we know it is wrong, the wisest thing to do is to turn back right away. If not, GPS will still give us another road but it takes more times and gas. Likewise, the best GPS of our life is the Holy Spirit. She wants to be with us and relates with us all the times but we usually try to ignore her warnings and direction. Consequently, we just move without the right direction of life. A purposeless life and disappointment are the results of ignoring the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Then, what should we do when we feel disappointment or dissatisfaction in our life? Kneel down and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit again. Then, she will give you another chance again and again but the more you ignore her warnings, the further you will have to go to reach the goal of your life-journey. 

Dear friends, solve your problems with prayer first and then, God will take care of the rest through you.  

by San No Thuan

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