Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Flirting With Fire

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Today's Turning Point
Wednesday, November 14

And don't give the devil a chance.
Ephesians 4:27 (CEV)
Recommended Reading
James 1:12-14
The age-old question "Why did Eve go near the tree of knowledge of good and evil?" hits closer to home than most of us might care to admit. If asked, "Do you flirt with temptation?" We may answer "No," But do we prove it in our daily pursuits by showing discernment as we use the Internet, choose movies, and prioritize our time with God? How close do we allow ourselves to get to temptation?
Temptation reveals what's in our hearts. When we walk away from a tempting scenario -- and you probably know your weaknesses -- our hearts reveal what we truly believe. Each time we flee from temptation, it's not just a single victory. That victory is one step toward more victories because resisting temptation builds spiritual muscles. When temptation strikes again -- and it will -- we'll be stronger in dealing with it because we're becoming more like Christ.

The daily habits of holiness built through reading the Word and prayer are the best ways to guard ourselves against temptation. The temptation itself has a way of strengthening us through the process to be holy and righteous people. Are you stepping toward temptation? Or away from it?

Every time we say yes to temptation, we make it harder to say no the next time.
Jerry Bridges

It is true that instead of insisting temptation, we usually come close to the "apple!" Instead of obeying the warning of the Holy Spirit, we rather listen to the voice of temptation. Actually we are set free from the power of Satan who has no authority over us. Thus, we don't need to listen to Satan's command. 
Only are we the servant of the most high God! Let's read the Bible and meditate it. Let's also communicate with God in prayer that we may experience his presence in our life.Knowing the presence of God in our life the source of peace, a fresh start and hope.  

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