Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Ca siartu,
            Na kumkhua umnak ding hmun na thei fiang zo maw? Ziang tin saw tu ah cun ka thei hrih ding tla na ti men thei, asinan cu mi cu thil dik a si lo. Khui tawk hmun ah kumkhua in ka um ding ti hi na theihfiang tengteng a ttul. Ziangah tile Bible in thih hnu nun ti mi hi fiang zet in in sim. Bible in hi tin a sim, “minung cu vei khat thi ding ih ruat a si. Cui hnuah thutthennak a um ding”. (Hebru 9:27). Curuangah minung cu kan thi leh ding culawng silo in kan thih hnu ah thu tthen nak kan tong ding. Tuih can hi can thu pi zet mi tik cu can a si. Kumkhua nunnak ti mi hi ziang a si ti na thei fiang zo maw? Cun ziang tin kumkhua nunnak ka nei thei ding ti teh na ruat dah maw?
        A hmaisabik ah, Bible ih sim mi hmuah hmuah na lungkim a ttul. Ziangah tile Bible cu Pathian ttong kam a si, cun kumkhua in a hmun ringring ding. Bible in hi tin a sim, “Hrampi pawl an caar, Pangpar pawl an vuai: sihman seh la ka ttong kam cu kumkhua in a hmun ding” (Isaiah 40:8). Cuih hlei ah Bible lawng hi na nunnak hrang ih thu pi zet mi thu suhnak a lo let thei tu a si: (1) “ziangtin thu tak ka thei thei ding” cun (2) “ziangtin thutak ka nei thei ding?”
          Bible in hi tin a sim, “ka suahthlak in mi tha lo ka si, ka nu ih pumsung ihsin misual ka si zo.” (Saam Hlabu 51:5). Curuangah na nu ih pum sung ah na um lai ih sin sual na nei a si. Sual ti mi cu Pathian ih mi zia thawih a kalh aw mi pohpoh a si. Bible in hi tin a sim, “mi hmuahhmuah sual an neih ruang ah, Pathian ih sunlawi nak an thleng ban lo”. (Rom 3:23). Curuang ah misual na si ti cu el theih lo a dik a si. Misual cun a thianghlim mi Pathian hnen ah a thleng thei lo a si.
       Bible in hi tin a sim, “Asinan minung sung ah thlarau a um: cule a cak mi Pathian in theihtheinak a pek”. Kan zaten thlarau kan nei ttheh ih cuih thlarau cu a thi thei dah lo mi a si. Curuangah, Jesuh in hi tin a sim, “ cule taksapum that thei naih, thlarau that theilo tu minungpawl kha ttih hlah uh. Cuhnak in taksapum le thlarau a pahnih ih Hell meisa sungih a siatsuah theitupa kha ttih sawn uh,” (Matthai 10:28) tiah a sim. Hell cu kumkhua hremhmun a si (Mathai 25:46), riahsiatnak, Pathian thinhengnak le beidonnak a si (Luke 16:23, Thuphuan 20:15).Asinan Vamram cu: Riahsiat nak, ttah nak, sual, natnak le thihnak hrimhrim a um lo nak hmun a si (Thuphuan 21:3,4).
          Vanzamleng, tlangleng le mawtaw ttha ttha to ta hrat in vanram thlen theih a si lo. Rundamtu na ttul a si. Jesuh lawng a lo run dam thei tu a um. Curuang ah Jesu in hi tin a sim, “keimah hi lamzin, thutak le nunnak cu ka si. Kei mah ih sin lo cun zohman paih hnen an thleng lo” tiah a ti. Jesuh lawng a lo rundam thei tu a si. Jesuh cu sual nei lo a si. Bible in hitin a sim “ziangahtile, khrih ah Pathian dingfelnak kan si thei nak dingah sual a theihih thei lo cu kan aiah sual ah a tuah a si”. (2Korinth 5:21). Jesuh, sual thei lo cu kan ai ah misual ah canter a si, midingfel ih canter na si nak ding ah. Jesuh lawng vanram thlen thei nak lamzin um sun cu a si.
            Jesu in na sual man leiba cu sual nei lo amaih thisen in a lo sam sak zo. Bible in hi tin a sim, “Fapa ah cun a thisen zarah sual pawl ngaidamnak, tlensalnak kan nei.” (Kolose 1:14). Jesuh khrih ih raithawi nak a thisen ruang ah misual nang le kei cu Pathian hmai ah mi thianghlim ah can ter kan si. Jesuh lawng hi kumkhua nunnak lam zin a si.
           Ziang tin kumkhua nunnak ka nei ding tin a thei fiang zo maw? Kumkhua nunnak neih na duh maw? Jesuh in hi tin a sim, “Thungai in, thungai in ka lo sim, ka ttong a thei ih, i thlahtu a zum tu cun kumkhua nunnak a nei. Thu tthennak a tong lo ding ih, thihnak ih sin nunnaksungah a lut sawn a si.” (John 5:24) tiah a ti. Curuangah na zum teng teng a ttul: Jesuh cu i run dam tu le ka Bawipa a si. Bible in hi tin a sim bet, “Asinan a mah (Jesuh) a cohlang tu hmuahhmuah cu Pathian fate ih can theinak a pe hai. Cu pawl cu amai hmin zumtupawl an si” (John 1:12). Curuang ah Jesuh cu i rundam tu a si tiah na cohlan rori a ttul. Cuih hlei ah Bible in hi tin a sim, “cutin, na kaa in Jesuh cu Bawi a si tiah na phuang ih, na thinlung in mithi lak ih sin Pathian in a kai tho tin a zum asile rundam na si ding. Ziangahtile, mi pakhat in a thinlung in a zum ih, cumi cun dingfelnak ah a hruai. A kaa in a phuang ih, cu mi cun rundamnak a hring suak” (Rom 10:9-10). Curuangah na thinlung zaten na zum ih Jesuh cu Bawi a si tiah na kaa rori ih na phuan khal a ttul a si. Thinlung ih zumlawng silo in kaa rori ih simphuan khal a ttul asi.
          Jesu a mah rori hi kumkhua nunnak a si. Bible in hi tin a sim, “Theihternak thu cu hihi asi, Pathian in kan hnen ah kumkhua nunnak in rak pe zo. Cui nunnak cu a fapa ah a um. Fapa a nei tu cun kumkhua nunnak a nei. Pathian fapa a neilo tu cun nunnak a  nei lo.” (1John5:11-12). Curuangah Jesuh cu i rundam tu le ka Bawipa a si tiah na cohlan, na zum le na lungkim cun kumkhua nunnak (Jesu) neitu na si. Bible in hitin asim, “Kumkhua nunnak kan nei tin an theihnak dingah le Pathian fapa hmin nan zum thei nak dingah Pathian fapa hmin a zumtu nan hnenah hi thil pawl tla ka ngan asi.” (I John 5:13) tiah a ti. Pathian ih pek mi kumkhua nunnak co duh tu tak tak na si le a tanglam ih thlacam ih zangfahten rak cam ve aw:
         A cak bik mi Pathian, Na fapa Jesu hmang in kumkhua nunnak in pek ruangah ka lungawi tuk. Kumkhua thihnak sung ih sin rundam tu Jesu in pek ruang khal ah ka lungawi. Thutak theifiang ding ah thlarau thianghlim in pek ruang ah ka lungawi tuk. Misual ka sinan in duhdawt tuk ih kumkhua nunnak in pek ruang ah ka lungawi. Jesu cu keimah bulpak rundamtu ah ka zum, ka co hlang ih ka lungkim a si. Jesuh thuhla a theifiang sin sin tu I si ter hram aw. I rundamtu Jesuh hmin in thlaka cam. Amen.  

Ca ngan tu le thlah tu:
Phun Za Pum (Pum Pum)
South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary
Coimbatore, India.

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Take: Searching for God, settling for sex

My Take: Searching for God, settling for sex
November 24th, 2012
08:00 PM ET

My Take: Searching for God, settling for sex

Editor's Note: Shannon Ethridge is an advocate for spiritual and sexual integrity. She is a counselor, speaker, author and certified life and relationship coach. Her 19 books include the million-selling Every Woman's Battle book series, "The Sexually Confident Wife" and her latest book, "The Fantasy Fallacy," a response to the "Fifty Shades of Grey" phenomenon, a discussion of the roots and role of sexual fantasies.
By Shannon Ethridge, Special to CNN
(CNN) - When a friend alerted me to the "Fifty Shades" trilogy in April, none of us had any idea it would sell in excess of 40 million copies within months, or that sales of whips, chains and other BDSM paraphernalia would skyrocket as a result, or that a European hotel would replace its Gideon’s Bibles with "Fifty Shades of Grey."
Many legitimate possibilities have been offered for the seeming success of “mommy porn.” Women are more sexually liberated than ever before. Couples are longing for ways to spice up their sex lives. Many women have a deep inner longing to be dominated by a man who’s absolutely obsessed with them.
While there might be some truth to each of these theories, I think the real force behind this "Fifty Shades" phenomenon is that our society is clamoring for closeness. However, in the absence of genuine sexual intimacy (best defined as “in-to-me-see”), we settle for sexual intensity: erotica, pornography, an office romance, an extramarital affair or whatever strokes the ego and provides the sexual high we crave.
I suggest that sexual intensity (such as that experienced between the lead characters of the "Fifty Shades" trilogy) is simply not the same as intimacy. If it were, then prostitutes and porn stars would be the most emotionally and relationally fulfilled people on the planet. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
Does the entangling of arms and legs and the exchange of bodily fluids scratch the human itch for intimate connection? Or is sex just the closest thing we can imagine to what we’re really craving: a deeper spiritual and emotional connection, both with our Creator and with His creation?
When I explain through my writing, speaking and life coaching that I am an “advocate for healthy sexuality and spirituality,” some assume I’m insane. Why would someone even use the terms “sexuality” and “spirituality” in the same sentence? I do so because I believe they are basically the same thing, or at least two sides of the same coin.
Regardless of gender, age, race, political views, economic status, etc., all humans have two things in common: We are both spiritual and sexual beings. And behind every sexual longing, I believe there’s an even deeper spiritual longing.
So we have much to learn about God through understanding our sexuality, and there is much to learn about our sexuality through a deeper exploration of God.
Looking at sexuality through a spiritual lens, and vice versa, is not a new concept. In the Song of Solomon, a man's and woman’s desires for healthy sexual intimacy are celebrated. In the book of Hosea, God uses the analogy of a husband’s relentless pursuit of a sexually unfaithful bride to illustrate the depth of His own passion and commitment to His people. God obviously knew that “sexual metaphors” would teach us about ourselves and about Him.
This brings me back around to the "Fifty Shades of Grey" phenomenon. I don’t believe that fantasy is evil, even sexual fantasy. But when we divorce physical pleasure from emotional connection, such as when we selfishly strive for orgasm through pornography, masturbation or illicit sexual encounters rather than cultivating sexual ecstasy with our marriage partner, sexual ecstasy is only “half-baked.” Love and relational intimacy are the “yeast” that allows our sexual ecstasy to rise to its highest level.
My counseling experience shows me that we often seek healing for our deepest wounds via sexual encounters. Our minds and hearts believe we will “get it right” or “find the love I need” via an intensely satisfying sexual relationship.
If deep and spiritual intimacy is what humans seek, then relational or sexual intensity can never satisfy our deepest longings or heal our oldest wounds. Christian and Anastasia (for all the "Fifty Shades" fans) won’t discover heart-deep intimacy in whips, chains, pain and sexual intensity. Their deep wounds will be healed by sacrificial love (of which Christ is the incarnate example) and intimate relationship (both human and divine). Soul-deep intimacy is what we seek, and it’s ultimately found in the God who created human sexuality.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Shannon Ethridge.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How Came a Deaf School?

Share the Gospel of God's love and justice with people in ways they can understand.

Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

When Thomas Gallaudet graduated from seminary in 1814, he had planned on becoming a preacher. However, his call to the ministry took a different turn when he met Alice, a 9-year-old, hearing-impaired girl in his neighborhood. Gallaudet began to communicate with her by writing words with a stick in the dirt.
Helping Alice motivated him to help others too. After consulting with European and American experts in educating the deaf, he refined a system widely known today as “signing” (a person’s hands spell out the message). Eventually, he established the American School for the Deaf.
Gallaudet’s school for the hearing-impaired contained a Christian curriculum that shared the gospel and included Bible instruction. He had answered the call to preach—but it was to a very special group of people. Signing was the way he communicated the gospel.
Like Gallaudet, we too should be sharing the Word of God with people in ways they can understand. Otherwise, “How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Rom. 10:14). How might God want you to reach out to those around you?
Seeking the lost, and pointing to Jesus,
Souls that are weak and hearts that are sore;
Leading them forth in ways of salvation,
Showing the path to life evermore. —Ogden
Don’t withhold from the world
the best news that’s ever come to it.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Three Words to Fight Temptation

Today's Turning Point
Thursday, November 15

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11

Recommended Reading
Luke 4:1-12
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He faced it head-on with the Word of God, quoting it to silence Satan: "It is written," "It is written," "It is written" (Luke 4:4, 8, 10). If Jesus triumphed over temptation with God's Holy Word, how could anyone think they could live a life of holiness and purity apart from the Bible?
Just as He has created a physical immune system to equip our bodies to ward off diseases, God has provided a way of overcoming temptation. Rooting His Word in our hearts, God implants His spiritual immune system that empowers us to live healthy, righteous, godly lives. Jesus Himself models the best spiritual antioxidants for strengthening ourselves against
temptation -- the godly discipline of reading and obeying God's Word.

Are you polluting your spiritual immune system with junk food -- the pollutants of the world's system? Let's commit to daily filling our hearts with God's Word and fighting temptation like Jesus did: It is written...

The Lord in his suffering... provided a path of triumph which we can walk. The Word, watchfulness, prayerfulness. That's it. No magic. That's how you deal with [temptation]. Pour the Word in. Stay alert. 
John MacArthur 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Flirting With Fire

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Today's Turning Point
Wednesday, November 14

And don't give the devil a chance.
Ephesians 4:27 (CEV)
Recommended Reading
James 1:12-14
The age-old question "Why did Eve go near the tree of knowledge of good and evil?" hits closer to home than most of us might care to admit. If asked, "Do you flirt with temptation?" We may answer "No," But do we prove it in our daily pursuits by showing discernment as we use the Internet, choose movies, and prioritize our time with God? How close do we allow ourselves to get to temptation?
Temptation reveals what's in our hearts. When we walk away from a tempting scenario -- and you probably know your weaknesses -- our hearts reveal what we truly believe. Each time we flee from temptation, it's not just a single victory. That victory is one step toward more victories because resisting temptation builds spiritual muscles. When temptation strikes again -- and it will -- we'll be stronger in dealing with it because we're becoming more like Christ.

The daily habits of holiness built through reading the Word and prayer are the best ways to guard ourselves against temptation. The temptation itself has a way of strengthening us through the process to be holy and righteous people. Are you stepping toward temptation? Or away from it?

Every time we say yes to temptation, we make it harder to say no the next time.
Jerry Bridges

It is true that instead of insisting temptation, we usually come close to the "apple!" Instead of obeying the warning of the Holy Spirit, we rather listen to the voice of temptation. Actually we are set free from the power of Satan who has no authority over us. Thus, we don't need to listen to Satan's command. 
Only are we the servant of the most high God! Let's read the Bible and meditate it. Let's also communicate with God in prayer that we may experience his presence in our life.Knowing the presence of God in our life the source of peace, a fresh start and hope.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Indeed, A Poor Judgment Brings War Home!

Petraeus letter: I showed extremely poor judgment
Petraeus became CIA director in September 2011.
November 9th, 2012
03:19 PM ET

Petraeus letter: I showed extremely poor judgment

Here is the full text of a letter ex-CIA Director David Petraeus sent to colleagues after he submitted his resignation to President Obama:
Central Intelligence Agency
9 November 2012
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.
As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation’s Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.
Teddy Roosevelt once observed that life’s greatest gift is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing. I will always treasure my opportunity to have done that with you and I will always regret the circumstances that brought that work with you to an end.
Thank you for your extraordinary service to our country, and best wishes for continued success in the important endeavors that lie ahead for our country and our Agency.
With admiration and appreciation,
David H. Petraeus

Sumpai tenren daan

Than Duai Lo

Sumpai tenren daan thabik cu malte ih hman a si. Asinan, cuti menih malte kan hman ahcun kan tulhaimi kan phuhru aw thei ding fawn lo ruangah ziangti kan tuah len kan tulmi phuhru dingah kan sumpai hmuhmi haidaih ih kan hman thei ding ti kan ruah tlang khawm a tul a si.
Acozah cun sumpai hmannak ding a ruahman hmaisa ih cui hnuah sumpai ngahnak ding a tawlrel theu. Cun, company le sum tuahnak khal cuvek deuh thotho cu a si. Sumlu ziangzat kan hman len ziangzat a hleep(miat) thei ding ti tuak a si theu.
Asinan, bulpak le innsang sumpai hman daan cu cuvek a si lo, sum lut kan ngahmi ihsin kan tulmi phuhru dingin hman thiam a tul ve thung a si. Ahleicein, USA ih Laimi hnatuan tamsawn cu kan sum lut hi fix (rikhiah) nei a si ruangah sumpai hman daan ding ruahmannak tha kan neih a tul cuang. Sumpai hmannak ding ruahmannak tha kan neih lolen thinpit vansanglam ih um olte. Ziangzat kan la lut ih ziangzat ka hmang zo ti thei cuca lo kan si ahcun kan hmabak cu leiba neih a si thlang. Ziangah tilen, tangka hman cu a nuam tukih zum hnakin hmannak a tam deuh ringring ruangah si. Curuangah, mi hrekin tangka cu a lakluh hnakin hman thiam a har sawn an rak ti theu tho. Sumpai tenrente ih kan hman thiam theinak dingah kan ruah khawm dingih ka duhmi pawl cu hiang hi an si.

1. Mai dinhmun theihfiang: USA ih mi an tahnak bik pakhat cu tangka ziangzat a lalut thei ti hi a si. Ziangvek ih ca thiam le fim khal a silen nazi pakhat ah $10 hrawng lawng a hlawh ahcun ‘law income’ tiih kawhmi lakah a tel thotho. High school theh suak thei fangfang, asinan, sumtuah thiam zet, nazi pakhatah dollar tampi ngah a si cun  ‘middle class’ lole ‘high class’ ah ret a si ding. Kan income a mal ahcun kan hman mal deuh khal a tul tinak a si. Mi hrek khat cu mai dinhmun ruat hrawt loin thil neih kan tum ih kan sumlut in a tlin leh si lo, a netnak ah mah bul bill nei bangin, ‘ka bill, ka bill’ tin thinhar in kan um leh theu.

2. Mai sumlut theihfel: Mai dinhmun theihnak dingah mai sumlut fel teih theih a tul. A thla siarin bill kan pek ruangah thlakhat ziangzat kan ngah ti kan theih a tul. Cu lawngah, a hmannak ding kan ruahman thei ding. A pawimawh zet pakhat cu: kan sumlut kan tuak tikah OT hi kan tuak tel ding a si hrimhrim lo, kan basic pay, tax hnuk zo hnu ihsin tuak ding a si. Cu lo ahcun OT kan neih lo tikah kan buai ding.

3. Mai dinhmun ih lungawi thiam: Mai dinhmun kan theih fel hnu khalah thil pawimawh zet pakhat cu mai dinhmun tawk teih lungawi thiam hi a si. Tuih kan buainak bik cu kanmai phu tawkah kan lungsi thei loih mai dinhmun thawn milaw loin thil neih kan tum ve ruangah a si. Kawlram ahcun bike lole car lei ding cun a leinak ding tangka neih cia a tul ih, tangka kan neih si lo cun neih tinah kan tin nawn lo ih; ngaih tha zetin kan um thei mai. Hi tawk cu cuvek a si lo tikah talbuai  phah tampi an um asi. Hi tawk tak hin a si zumtu pawl cu Bible ih in zirh vekih kan nun thiam a tul. Pathian in mi neih daw hlah a ti ih, a nei theitu hrangah mi neih dawt ding a um lo. A nei thei lotu kha si in ti. Mai dinhmun thei thiam ih mai phutawk ih lungawi thiam le nun thiam hi mi neih daw lo le Pathian thlawsuah siar thiamtu an si theu.

4. Duhzawng hnakin tulhaimi: Kan tenren awk theinak dingih bulhram pakhat leh cu: duh zawng hnekin tulhaimi theihthiam hi a si. Milai daan ah a thawthaw, a tha le mawi le mankhung cu duh thluh daan a si. Cuihleiah, luxury(nuamtawl) thil khal duh lo an um lo ding. Asinan, mai duhzawng si lo ih tulhaimi ngaihtuah thiam hi pitlin hna asi. Mi hrek cu thin nomnak ah mai duhzawng lei ding a si an ti. Kan tlinmi thil a si ahcun a pawituk lo men thei, asinan kan phu lo, mai dinhmun thawn mil aw lopi kan tawlrel asi ahcun thin nomnak hnakin thin pitnak in ne a khawr leh cingcing ding.

5. Tangka hmannak statement zohsal: Monthly bank statement zohsal hi a tha ngaingai. Hihi ram cangkang um a nomnak khal a si. Kawlram ahcun tangka hi cash ih hman a si ruangah mai tangka hmannak hminsin thluh cu mifel tuk hrang lo ahcun a har ngaingai(Kawlram ih tanka hmannak cazin hminsin thlepthli ka theih mi cu Tahan ih Pu Hmun Nei Kheng le Salai Patuan an si). Hi tawk ahcun mai fel ruangah si loin bank card le check kan hmannak pohpoh bank statement ah a lang thluh.
Zo khal zum hnakih tam tangka hman cio a si. Cutikah, khuimi ah  a luar bik ti kan zoh dingih sup awk thei tawk sup tum ding a si. Cuihleiah, tangka hmannak rikhiah neih a tul. Bill le gas man ti vek cu rikhiah a theih lo nan shopping, kuak le zu le eiin hrang cu rikhiah neih tengteng a tha. Tnk… Shopping kan feh tam deuh asilen, thla khatah vei khat lawng ka feh thlang ding tin tiamkamnak tuah sehla. Cun, hi ram ahcun cephnep le restaurant ih ei uar tuk ti lo ahcun eiin ah cu tluk kan cem tam dah lo. Thil dangdang: shopping, kuak le zu le motor man tivek ah kan khawhral aw bik theu. Curuangah, ziangmi bikah ka sup awk a tul ti kan zohhliah awk a tul a si.

6. Bazar tikah lei ding cazin tuah: Hihi a tangkai ngaingai. Bazar kai zik tinten ziangha lei tul ti hminsin ih kan hminsinmi vial lawng lei tum ding a si. Cu lole, bazaar thlen tikah duh zawng hlirte an rak si ih tongpaw lei pang a ol. Cuihleiah, tulmi lei ngah thluh hnai si loin khasuan, aihre tivek kan neih laimi tla lei pang a ol. Cun, mai ei duh lo mi lole thuamhnaw khal a silen mai hruk duh ngut lo ding mi lei pang a ol ngaingai; cuti a si lonak dingah lei dingmi cazin tuah cia a tul  a si.

7. Innsang ih tenren theitu in bazaar kai ding: Hrek khat cu sumpai lamah kut sup aw thei riai lo mi an um. Cu pawl hrangah a mal thei bikih dawr feh lole shopping feh a tha. Cun, innsang lole nupa lak ah tenren thei deuhtu in bazaar kai theu sehla a zia um ngaingai. Kanni nupa tla hi ka ren aw thei ve zet nan kei hnakin ka nupi a ren aw thei sawn ih amah a bazaar theu tikah sumpai kan save ngaingai. Cun, nunau a sinan a tlun ih kan rel zo mi pawl khal ani cun a takin a apply thei sawn ih cucu ka hrangah a sunlawi hleicenak khal a si.

8. Sumpai hmannak ih fimkhur tulmi:
(a) Credit Card hman: Credit card hi kan ramah kan hmang ve dah lo nan hitawk ahcun a hmang lo an mal zet ding. Credit card umzia cu tangka cawinak a si bik. Sumpai ih mualphonak nei lo,hlawh nei le social scurity credit score nei tha pawl cu company pawlin tangka tampipi an cawih theu. Cui kan tangka cawimi ihsin kan hmanmi pohpoh kha rulh thluhsal ding a si ih kan rulh thluh thei lo mi hmuah kha pungthang a nei theu a si. Cui a pungthang cu car le inn leinak loan interest hnakin nangai a tam theu ruangah mi tampi an talbuai phah. Mirang pawl credit card hman ruangih talbuai rel cawk lo an um. Credit card cu hman ding a si ko, asinan, a zaten hmang lo sehla a tha. Kanni nupa tla credit line $2000 veve kan ngah nan mi pakhat ta hi thla khatah $200 tlun kan hmang dah lo. Ziangah tile, a hrulhsal tikah a hlawm ih hrulh a tul theu ruangah a hnang a na kan tiih cunah a si. SS credit build up-nak ah le pawipeng kilvennak hrangah malteten hmang sehla a tawk fangin ka thei.
(b) Kawlram ih tangka kuat: Hi thu hi ngunngaih zetih kan ruah khawm ka duh. Mizoram le Malaysia ah hlawh aw dingin kan feh ih kan tuansuahmi hmuahhmuah kan khawl ih kan ram ah kan kuat lole kan tlunpi vek kha kan si nawn lo, hi tawk cu kan dam sung umnak ding le lu phumnak ding a si ruangah khuarei hrang kan ruat a tul. Kan dam sung hrang lawng hman si lo, kan te le fa pawl hrang tiang khua kan ruat a tul. Curuangah, kan tuansuah mi tete kawlram ih kan sungte kan kuat thluh cingcing asile khuarei ah kan buai leh ding.
Mi hrek cu nu le pa hnatuan thei nawn lo, rak zohtu ding dang um cuang lo le dam lo tivek an cawm ih, cu pawl cun thaten an nu le pa an vun zoh ding cu an tuanvo hrimhrim asi. Cun, kan suahpi unau dam lo mangbang an ton caan khalah kan vun bom khal kan tuah ding hrimhrim a si.
Asinan, hnatuan an hlawhtlin lo le sumpai daih awk lo ruangih tangka in dil tinten kan kuat a si cun kan kuat thei lo tiktikah vuihram awknak a cang mai ding. Tuluk thufim in, ‘Na fa kha nga pe loin sur pe aw, nga na pek len a ei theh tikah na peksal a tul ding; sur na pek ahcun amahten nga a kai dingih na peksal a tul nawn lo ding’ a ti. Cu bangin, tangka kan kuat ding khal asilen thinlung nei zetin kuat sehla, hman cawpcawp teih kuat loin; a hlawm deuh, an rak tunnun awk theinak ding ngaihtuah thei sehla a tha. Tnk… thla tinte $100 kuat theitu cun, “caw-hal/ rang/sepi/vokpi kan run lo leih tum dingih kan tangka khawl sung tan rak la ve uh’ tin cah sehla, thla 7/8 hnu, tax return ngah zawngah si maw $800 hrawng hei kuat sehla a langcu deuh ding ih; kan hmailam khua kan ruat a tulve tikah, kuat thei  loh caan a um leh dingih kan kuat thei nawn lo khalah in vuihram deem deuh ding ka zum.

Thurel khawm ding:
1.     Sumpai tenren teih hman a har kan tinak bik rel khawm seh la.

Ref: November 10,2012 ni, FBCI Mino training ih zirkhawmmi a si.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thazaang Laksalnak Tongkam

San No Thuan

Na Hnatuanmi ah Na Thasia le thanau in na um pang le, a tanglam ih cahi siar aw, thazaang a lo petu ah a cang ding. Thazaang ka lak daan ka lo hlawm ve sihi.

1.     Pathian hrangah ka tuahmi a si ti na thei maw? Cazoh le cazuam cu Pathian hrangah hnatuan ka thok rero zo a si ti thei aw. Fimthiamnak na neih asile Pathian in a lo hman thei daan a thuk sang ve ding. Ziangkim hi Pathian sunlawinak hrangah ka zuammi le ka tuahmi a si ti thei ringring aw. Colosian 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”
2.     A tu in Pathian hnatuan ka thok maw? Pathian in hmailam lawngah a hna tampi ka tuan ding a ti pawl a rinsan lo. A tu (FROM NOW) hrimhrim ah amah kha na thinlung, na thazaang,  le na ruahnak zate thawn na duhdawt ding hi a duh bikmi a si. Israel pawl ramcar lak ah kum 40 sung a retnak cu kum 400 sung Egypt sal sungah an taang ih Pathian an thei nawn lo. Curuangah, thluasuah a pek hlan Canaan ram an thlen hlah ah an thinlung, ruahnak le thazaang zatein, amah lam ih an hoi kirnak ding hrangah a hruaimi a si. Canaan ram an thlenhnu lawngah Amah duhdawt ding a duh lo. Pathian in thluasuah a pekmi pawl ih um daan cu, ramcar lak hrimhrim ah a thu a ngai ih amah a rinsantu Joshua le Caleb lawng Egypt ram in a suakmi lak ah Canaan ramnuam a thlen ter (Number 14:26-30).
3.     Na tuahmi na duhdawt maw? Na tuahmi kha duhdawt aw. Himi na tuahmi in a ra lai dingmi ah na nunnak le midang nunnak ah a thlen ter dingmi pawl ruat ringring aw. Steve Job cun, hlawhtinnak ih hram cu maih hnatuannak duhdawt khi a si a ti. Na duhdawt lawngah a hrangah a tha bik in na tuah thei ding.
4.     Nomnak ah na ruat maw? Na tuahmi kha harsatnak thilrit (suffering) tin ruat hlah, nomnak (fun) tin ruat aw la zuam zet in tuah aw. Jeremy Lin cun, basketball ka cinh tikah, nomnak (fun) in ka tuah ih harsa tin ka ruat lo.
5.     Nehnak cu Pathian ta a si ti na thei maw? Ziangkim ka tuah tikah, ka tuahmi le ka thazang ih leengah, Pathian ih pekmi thazang a tumpi a um ringring ti thei aw. Cumi thawn ziangkim ka tuah thei ding ti thei aw (Phil 4:13). Asinan, Pathian ih cahnak a langh ter duhnak cu nangmah na si. Pathian ih kutcak lang thei ding in, na neihmi thazang le na ti thei tawk in tuan ve aw. Exodus 4:1-17 sungah, Moses in a neihmi kianghrol te a hmang ih Israel pawl Egypt ram in hruai suak ding in a pok. Asinan, cumi kianghrol kha rul ih a can tertu, tipisen a tan tertu, lungpi ti a suah ter tu, Amelekites ral pawl nehnak ah Pathian in thluasuah a pek ti kan hmu. Na neihmi kha hmang aw la, Pathian ih huham a lang mei ding.
6.     Thla na cam ringring maw? Thinglamtah um lo in, thawhsalnak a um thei lo. Harsatnak tuar lo in, sunlawinak ti a um thei lo. Thlacamnak le Bible siarnak lo in, thinlung nehawk theinak a um lo. Thinlung nehnak um lo in, pumpekawk theinak a um lo. Pumpeknak um lo in, rah le par tha hmuh ding  a um lo. Curuangah, thlacamnak cat baang lo in, nei ringring aw. Catbaang lo ih, thlacam ding cun, mitmeng phah khal in, Bawipa himi na duhmi a si maw tiah sut in, amah thawn bia aw ringring aw.
7.     Ziang thuhla hawl na duh ih himi na tuah lole himi cauk na siar? A dang thill na tuah khal ah, ziangmi can na duh ih himi na kai rero? Caan tampi ah casiar kan zaangzelnak thu bik cu himi ka siarmi sungah ziangthu hi theih ka duh ih ka hawl timi kan fiang theu lo ruangah a si. Curuangah kan suhawk hmaisa dingmi cu “Ziangruangah himi cauk ka siar duh? Ziangmi thuhla hawl ka duh? Ka hawl duhmi thuhla thawn a pehpar aw mi a si maw?” timi pawl hi kan suhawk dingmi pawl an si. Na hawl duhmi thuhla na fiang taktak ahcun, caziar hman baan na thiam nawn lo ding.
8.     Hruaitu tha na si maw?  Zovek/ziangvek minung kan si khal le, kan zate in hruaitu kan si theh. Amalbik in hruaimi pakhat kan nei: nangmah na si. Ziangtin na hruai aw?
9.     Bawipa duhdawtnak thawn na tuahmi a si maw? A thupibikmi na tuah suak hmaisabik theinak dingah cun: “Bawipa na Pathian cu na thinlung zatein, na ruahnak zatein, na thazaang zatein duhdawt aw” timi Bible ca kha ciing ringring aw. Bawipa na duhdawt ruangih na tuahmi a si maw? Bawipa na tihzah ruangih na tuahmi a si maw? Himi thusuhnak in sut aw sal aw la, a si lo ahcun, taansan aw. Cule, Bawipaih duhmi hawl sal aw.
10. Na ruahnak kha a kilhawi maw? Na nunnak uk thei dingah: na ruahnak kha kilkhawi aw. Na ruahnak kha a duhduh in thuneih ter hlah. Pathian tihzahnak tel lomi ruahnak tha lo pawl an rat tikah, a rang thei tawk in dawi hlo aw. Ex. Nauhak pakhat in ziang in ti pei timi thei duh ah, tuah ding a tha lomi ka tuah thei maw tiah a lo sut leuhleuh ding. Tuah ding a tha lo timi kha ral tha zet in sim ringring aw. Na ruahnak kha cuvek ruahnak lam ih a feh zik tikah, Jesuh in Satan tukforhnak a dawi hlo daan in dawi hlo aw. Cu pawl cu:
a.     Pathian thu lawng nunnak. Pathian thu lawng siar aw la, ruat aw.
b.     Pathian lawng bia aw. A dang nomnak, lianhnak, huham pawl bia hlah.
c.      Pathian ih tul lo pi in hnik sak hlah. Pathian ih mangbangza thil ti theinak kha tul lo pi in langh ter tum hlah.